Why Basketball is More than Just the NBA
The NBA is the most-loved basketball league on the planet. It is home to the best of the best and continues to get better year on year. You can tell by the sheer number of non-Americans who now play at this level of the game that the NBA is regarded as the pinnacle by people from all over the world. It is where every budding baller wants to be.
However, as good as the NBA obviously is, there is an entire world outside of professional basketball in the US. Most NBA fans will be familiar with the NCAA and will already be honing their college basketball betting systems in time for the spectacle that is March Madness. But even that glorious tournament is just the tip of the global hoops iceberg.
We have dedicated ourselves to bringing you sports events from outside of the top leagues and subscription sites. Don’t get us wrong, we love the NBA. But if you have rarely strayed away from that league for your hoops experience, allow us to explain why you should look further afield – and why basketball outside of the NBA is so exciting.
Heroes Have to Come From Somewhere
The most obvious aspect of exploring other leagues apart from the NBA is that the star athletes that you are currently cheering on for the Knicks, Celtics, and Thunder have not just magically appeared in the professional game. Some may have come over from the top European leagues (which you should also definitely check out, by the way) but many will have been drafted from the NCAA.
Almost every NBA hero was once tearing up the courts in college basketball. If you haven’t bothered watching college games before, you have missed out on witnessing some of your favorite athletes develop over time. Following the journey from high school through college and into the pro game can give you incredible insight into what it takes to be a top NBA athlete – and also allows you to show off your knowledge to your friends!
College Hoops is Unreal
The other thing about NCAA basketball is that it comes with a huge rush of adrenaline. The conference season is exciting enough, as the teams play their old rivals in front of incredibly passionate crowds, hoping to win a conference title in the process. But it is what comes after that you should definitely be interested in.
The NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament is better known as March Madness – and that is not a moniker that is open to any exaggeration. With 68 of the best men’s collegiate programs in the running, this tournament captures the imagination of every sports fan each year and always leaves us wanting more drama. The women’s tournament is just as good and it is simply unlike any other sports event in the world.
Local Sports Help Communities Grow
So, we’ve sold you on checking out some college hoops. How about looking a little further back in the development of players? You may never have gotten anywhere near your old high school basketball roster but that doesn’t mean that you can’t become one of its biggest fans now that you are an adult.
Getting behind your local high school team – or a club from your home town – is a great way to support local communities and businesses. Investing your time and money into your local area through the medium of sports is the perfect way to help build stronger community relations while also getting a heads up on some potential NBA stars of the future.
Something to Work Towards
For young players, the NBA is undoubtedly the ultimate goal. Being picked in the draft is something that millions of people dream of, even though only a very select few will ever taste the experience. That doesn’t mean that young, student athletes should give up though. Having something to work towards is one of the most important aspects of any walk of life.
We have talked about the importance of young people being involved in sports many times on this site and basketball is just the same. The teamwork, responsibility, and confidence that youth sports instils is invaluable. Even if a student is not playing but just involved in the program, there is still a lot that can be taken into future life.
A Pure Game
The NBA may be one of the most-loved sports leagues in the world but it also attracts the same kind of attention as all major professional competitions. There is so much money involved in elite sports these days that sometimes the fans can become tired of the attitude that comes along with it.
It can seem like the money is the only thing that counts for athletes and the media is only interested in the lifestyles of the top pros. Taking a step back and exploring college, high school, and even kids’ hoops can remind you of a much more innocent time when it was just the game that mattered. This purer form of hoops can be very attractive to many jaded older basketball fans.
Figure 2 Watching games at a local level can be hugely rewarding – Source: Unsplash
Support Non-Professional Basketball
We are not advocating ignoring the NBA and the professional game. It is a fantastic league that showcases the very best athletes in the world playing arguably the greatest form of the game. But we just want you to know that there is a lot more hoops out there for you to explore.
Find out when your local high school team is playing and get along to a game. Watch college sports throughout the season and marvel at the extravaganza that is March Madness. Get involved with the game at as many levels as you can and we promise that you will become a much more devoted – and knowledgeable – fan.