EAST PALESTINE OH- The volleyball season has officially wrapped up for the YSN family schools. The postseason awards have been handed out. With all the talent across the entire YSN family, we are proud to announce that we are going to showcase that talent in our first ever Volleyball All Star Game. The game will be held on Saturday November 12 at Crestview High School at 6:00. Tickets will be $5.00 at the gate for the public. There will be a concession stand being run by Crestview Softball. The proceeds of all the ticket sales will be donated to Winnie’s Warriors. Winnie is a 2 year old girl in the YSN community that currently fiercely battling leukemia. We are proud to reach out a helping hand, and show Winnie and her family how much the YSN community is behind her.
Coaches who have volunteered their time to take the lead of the two teams are Heather Guthrie of Lakeview, and Alyssa Birch from Boardman. Both coaches are highly respected in the coaching community, and they both have experience in the club volleyball scene, which makes them particularly fit to handle rosters of all star players from different teams.
Rosters for both teams can be found below. Every YSN affiliated team has had a player invited, and we are proud to say that as of now 41 different schools will be represented in the game. If you don’t see your school represented and have a player you still wish to represent your school, please reach out to any of our social media platforms.
Team Birch
Team Guthrie
We invite everyone to come out, and see the best volleyball players in the YSN family show off their talents one more time before we close the door on the season.