10 Tips on Writing a Winning Student-Athlete College Essay

Working on college essays is usually an exciting assignment because these papers do not require too much time or effort and, in most cases, discuss students’ personal attitudes to a particular question. Of course, some essays present only facts without any personal opinion, but in any case, a student can choose a topic that interests him/her and work on it.

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Even though writing creative essays can be interesting if you know how to write a college essay of a particular kind, when you are a student who has to complete tens of papers during an academic week, you are more likely to be exhausted and have no desire to work on another essay. In this case, it is highly recommended that you prioritize your assignments. Remember that it is no problem if you turn for help with college essay and say, “I want to write my essay cheap with FastEssay.” Of course, in this case, you have to use such cheap college essay assistance correctly and use the received paper as a college essay example. 

Assigned a student-athlete paper? We bet this kind of assignment will be interesting because there are so many issues to be discussed within the topic. Writing a compelling student-athlete college essay involves showcasing your unique experiences, qualities, and aspirations. Most people enjoy talking about their achievements for various psychological, social, and personal reasons. In this article, we will discuss some tips that can help you craft a standout essay and present your best self.

Tip #1: Strong Hook

You should always begin your writing with an engaging passage or a vivid description to impress and hook your audience’s attention. For example, you can start with a memorable moment or event in your athletic career, or you can start with your significant personal achievement. Students who want to hear how you have come to a particular point in your life will definitely be hooked.

Tip #2: Unique Experiences

At this stage, you can discuss the things that show your dedication, teamwork, leadership, and perseverance. It is highly recommended to tell personal stories to make your experiences relatable and memorable. Or, at least, you can choose a well-known person whose experience may interest your audience if you do not have any about yourself.

Tip #3: Personal Growth

Now, it is just the time to reflect on how being a student-athlete has improved your character and influenced your personal development. To make your essay vivid, you can start by mentioning some issues you have recently faced and how you overcame them.

Tip #4: Athletics and Academics Connections

Now, dwell upon your academic and personal life. Explain how your athlete skills and qualities have influenced your life, both personal and academic. Also, you can discuss how your athletic life has prepared you for college obstacles and goals for the future.

Tip #5: Stay Honest

When working on such an essay, it is very important to remain yourself and write in your own voice. Your audience, as well as your professor, will definitely feel whether your essay is sincere or if it’s overly polished or exaggerated.

Tip #6: Focus on the Future

Speak about your goals and how your future depends on your current student-athlete career. Connect your past experiences to your future expectations, no matter whether they are academic, athletic, or career.

Tip #7: NO Clichés!

It is very important to highlight your achievements, but it is also essential to avoid overused phrases and general statements. Instead, you can provide some specific details and insights you have caught that will make your story unique and inspiring.

Tip #8: Proofread and Edit

When your paper is complete, it is time to review your essay for grammar and spelling errors. You can ask your teachers, mates, or family members to read the essay and provide their feedback. Such multidirectional revisions can help you refine the message of your essay as well as improve its overall clarity.

If you do not have an opportunity to ask anybody for such feedback, you will have to review your essay on your own. If you proofread your paper on your own, we highly recommend that you leave it for some time before editing. In this case, you will take a fresh look at it and will be more likely to catch all the issues.

Here are some online tools that can help you proofread your essay and come up with a strong paper.

  • Grammarly. With this service, you can fix grammar mistakes as well as improve the overall quality of your writing. The tool will suggest to you what words can be substituted in order to communicate the main idea clearly. 
  • Hemingway. This is a very similar tool to Grammarly, which can also help you polish your writing, fix mistakes, and tell you if the issue is delivered well to your audience. 
  • AI detector. There are a lot of free tools that you can use online in order to make sure your paper is human-written. This is a crucial step, especially when you use AI writing tools to complete your essay.
  • Plagiarism checker. The cost of plagiarized content is too high, which is why it is very important to make sure your paper is original and has no plagiarism. You can find a lot of plagiarism detectors online, but if you have a Grammarly premium subscription, this tool can check your paper for plagiarism as well.

Tip #9: Follow Writing Requirements

Most professors provide word-count limitations for writing assignments. If you have any restrictions, ensure your writing adheres to them. Mind that being concise and focused when writing your essay is crucial to keep readers’ attention as well as communicate the main message correctly to them.

Tip #10: Present Your Personality

This is just the time to let your personality shine through your writing. Most colleges are looking for students who can contribute to their community. Thus, make sure your essay shows who you are beyond your athletic career and present your best self!

If you are assigned a student-athlete college essay and have no idea how to produce a strong paper, have these tips at your disposal and get armed to compose a masterpiece that will hook your audience!