YOUNGSTOWN, OH- It isn’t often in life that there’s a position that is so perfect for one person, it’s as if it was written in the stars. That was the case at Chaney a few years ago when Chris Amill was selected to be the Head Coach of the Chaney Cowboys. Amill had all the required features, as well as the intangibles. He knows football, has a great work ethic, and most of all he cares for the kids inside his program as if they were his own.
Amill had a great understanding of what his group of young men were going through because he lived it. He had been there, and done that while coming out stronger on the other side because of his focus. Now it was his turn to lead the next generation of Cowboys into the most promising days, so there could be an opportunity for them as well.
Mission accomplished.
In his three years as a Coach and mentor in Chaney, Amill changed lives on and off the field. Chris was able to send a multitude of his players into the college ranks to not only continue to play football but take steps toward winning the rest of their lives as well.
On Thursday, November 11th we were informed that Chris Amill would be accepting a position in North Carolina to impact the lives of those in the south. While we know he will be greatly missed by many in Youngstown, we know that Coach Amill will create more opportunities for more young lives wherever he goes- and we thank him for his time and efforts in The Valley, as his impact will be felt for years to come.
We had the exclusive with Coach Amill as the news broke, and we ask him about his impact here, and what lies ahead.