Some of the qualities of sisterhood are love, support, and reliability. It is not hard to see that Anna and Maria Primavera share this everlasting qualities that make sisterhood great. Their bond goes way beyond the one they share on the volleyball court. 

Anna the senior of the two knows exactly what it’s like to be a freshman and hold a full rotation spot on varsity. Just four short years ago it was her in those very shoes. The biggest words of wisdom she could give to her sister is to be confident. Maria may be the younger sister you wouldn’t know it based on what you see on the court. They are self admitted very similar players. Both outside hitters, both full rotation, both extremely dangerous swinging their arms. They have an unspoken bond that helps them communicate on the court. Something they say gives them an edge on other teams. One can simply give the other a look to convey a message. No words required. Not to worry though, plenty of words are required to define their relationship. 

Anthony Hartwig got the chance to talk to the Primavera sisters together. They talk about their bond on and off the court, how they help each other, and so much more. Please enjoy this special edition of Raider Volleyball Player Profiles Sister Act: Primetime Edition.